国際ジャーナリスト&旅行ジャーナリスト 大川原 明


グアムのお薦めレストラン『The beach』タモン繁華街近くホテルニッコー近くガンビーチ

グアムのお薦めレストラン『The beach』タモン繁華街近くホテルニッコー近くガンビーチ

グアムの中心部タモン中心街から北に進んだ所にガンビーチがあります。日系のホテル『ニッコー』のそばにあるお薦めのレストラン&バーが『The beach』。帰国前夜に利用。


今回注文したのは『Pacific Fish Escbeche』


I ate diiner at The beach restaurant and bar where located on Gan Beach,north of downtown Tumon in the center of Guam.
It located on the beach and can enjoy the fantastic view from here. Especially in the evening, it is crowded because people want to see the beautiful sunset.

You can just drink alcohol without eating. Meals range from meat to fish, and wide variety and the taste is good.
variety of alcoholic beverages and recommend frozen cocktails.
I ordered “Pacific Fish Escbeche”
Fried white fish from the Pacific Ocean and placed on rice with stir-fried vegetables.

The taste was spicy and delicious by chili sauce.
I came here by car, so I couldn`t drink alcohol,so
ordered a glass of mango smoothie.
Drinks and service charge are about 40 USD.

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