国際ジャーナリスト&旅行ジャーナリスト 大川原 明


【世界遺産で海鮮料理】クロアチアのドブロブニク旧市街の路地裏レストラン『Gajeta Restaurant』で海鮮料理

【世界遺産で海鮮料理】クロアチアのドブロブニク旧市街の路地裏レストラン『Gajeta Restaurant』で海鮮料理

3回目のクロアチアのドブロブニクの最後の晩餐は旧市街の時計台近くにある裏路地レストラン『Gajeta Restaurat』で海鮮料理をいただきました。
注文したのはSeafood Plateとクロアチアのビール『PAN』



使用レンズはF2.8 24-70mmの広角ズームレンズ

[Seafood dinner at Gajeta Restaurant in the old city of Dubrovnik, Croatia]
This is the last dinner in Dubrovnik, Croatia.
I had seafood at Gajeta Restaurat that is a back alley restaurant near the clock tower in the old city.

I ordered a Seafood Plate and PAN Croatian beer.
The seafood was large and meaty shrimp, squid, mussels, sea bass and potatoes.

Seasoned with salt and pepper. I topped it with lemon and sauce.
The portions were large and the taste was deliciouand it went well with beer. The terrace seats in the alley have the calm atmosphere.
The cost was 34 euro for the food and 7 euro for the draft beer. Total 41 euro.

*Photo taken by my Nikon’s flagship mirrorless camera Z9. The lens used is wide-angle zoom lensF2.8 24-70mm.

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