I ate Mexican food at MEXTREME restaurant in the hotel zone in Cancun. We ordered Fish and meat mix plate and 2 bottles of beers and Margarita. It was so delicious and I can recommend you about this restaurant if you come to Cancun.
It cost about 33USD per person.
コーヒー生産大国【南米】コロンビア・メデジンから訪れたグアタペ郊外のコーヒー農場見学!Coffee farms in Guatape in Columbia
I visited one of the Coffee farms in Guatape in Colombia.
Colombia is the third largest coffee producer in the world,Japanese import the Colombian coffee. It is nice quality.
国際運河【中米】パナマ・パナマ運河1日クルーズ(観光船)太平洋(パナマシティー)→カリブ海(コロン)に!joined the Panama canal cruise
I joined the Panama canal cruise. The stating point is the Panama city located along the pacific ocean and the finishing point is Colon located on the Caribbean sea.
The total length of the canal is 80km.
【ニュージーランド・ワカティプ湖・クイーンズタウン近郊の南国のビーチのようなWilson Bay】
I visited Wilson bay where is located 20 mins away from the town center of Queens town.
It is like the beach in the tropical island.
クイーンズタウンの中心から車を運転し20分程来たWilson Bay。まるで南国の海岸のような雰囲気の場所です。