国際運河【中米】パナマ・パナマ運河1日クルーズ(観光船)太平洋(パナマシティー)→カリブ海(コロン)に!joined the Panama canal cruise
I joined the Panama canal cruise. The stating point is the Panama city located along the pacific ocean and the finishing point is Colon located on the Caribbean sea.
The total length of the canal is 80km.
【中米】海鮮料理と伝統舞踊堪能!パナマ・パナマシティー旧市街のパナマ料理レストラン「ディアブリーコス」Panama cuisine,Diablicos restaurant,Panama city
I ate Panama cuisine(sea food) at Diablicos restaurant in the old city in Panama city in Panama. It cost about 60USD each little bit high price,but I could enjoy the dinner with the traditional dace.
海鮮料理堪能【中米】パナマ・パナマシティー・日本のODA援助(JICA)で1995年に建設された魚市場!Fish market in Panama city in Panama
The fish market of Panama city was opened in 1995 and Japanese government support the fund and technology for Panama.