There are so many Japanese cars in Vladivostok in Russia.
Most of them are secondhand cars from Japan. They import Japanese secondhand cars from Japan.
日本の反対側【南米】パラグアイ・イグアス日本人居住地!800人の日本人移民、日系人が居住!Japanese community in Colonia yguazu city in Paraguay
I visited the Japanese community in Colonia Iguazu city in Paraguay. There are total 800 Japanese immigrants or the people who got the Paraguay nationality. I feel like staying at the countryside in Japan.
I`m staying at the Japanese guest hosue in Iguazu Japanese community area in Paraguay. There are so many dogs in the guest house and enjoyed the dog walking.
I ate dinner at Ichiban Ramen shop in Bangkok.
【寿司?ブリ?】ハンガリー・ブダペスト・海鮮レストラン「BABKA」海外日本食屋?BABKA restaurant in Budapest in Hungary
My Hungarian friend took me to a good seafood restaurant in Budapest last night. They serve the dishes of Yellow tail tuna and we ordered 3dishes like Sushi,steak etc. He treated for me.