オランダ・アムステルダム・ウイグル人団体が中国共産党の再教育キャンプ強制収容に対して抗議!東トルキスタン共和国亡命政府Uighur protesters in Amsterdam in Holland
In 1949 the Chinese Communist Party invaded Uyghur district and annexed Uyghur and More than a million Chinese Communist officials are being dispatched to live with local families in the western region of Xinjiang, a move seen as a sign of the government’s increasingly tightened grip over the area’s predominantly Uyghur Muslim population.
The so-called “home stays,” announced by the government, target farmer households in southern Xinjiang, where the authorities have been waging an unrelenting campaign against what they call the forces of “terrorism, separatism and religious extremism.”
Government statements and state media reports show that families are required to provide detailed information during the visits on their personal lives and political views. They are also subject to “political education” from the live-in officials– whose stays are mandated to be at least one week per month in some locations.